Monday, April 29, 2013

Texturing and Lighting Touch-Up [NovaBus LFS Articulated Transit Bus]

I worked on touching up some textures and lighting on my bus model, fiddled with a few different setups, and ended up pleased with these results.



Monday, April 22, 2013

Daily Work - HMC Texturing [22-4-13]

I worked for about 5ish hours on my textures for this model, and am pleased with how well it's coming along.

Monday, April 15, 2013

[Pondering Future Projects]

I've got a few projects on the go, and am trying to integrate a few of my projects into one, in a way that can make my demo reel more appealing, as well as show off my skills. Aside from that however, I've been getting distracted, and noticed that specialized machinery (mining machines, harvesters, etc) are quite interesting, and I've been compiling as many images as I can of machines like that, I've found a lot of this specific planer, meant for work in coal mines, strip mines and such. It's something that, although not possible to do for school, given time constraints, I'm thinking about taking on the challenge.

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Space Kitchen [Old Shots]

I'm thinking about retouching up my kitchen environment  texturing and re-lighting it to see if I can get some decent results out of it. It's something that, although simple, I like the idea, and I want to, with the skills I've learned since I initially made it, improve it. I'd also love to add more detail, and maybe try to incorporate my robot character into it, as maybe his home.

My robot character has one job to collect and recycle scrap aluminum, since the island he lives on is quite dusty, his house underground would be out of that dirt and smog. He brings back bits and pieces to hobble together a cozy little home. I'm thinking of bringing one of my other characters, Lily, into here as well. She'd be his owner/friend/guardian. She's a rebellious girl, young, living a free life, but challenging authority and the laws and norms on this island town, and together they are connected, set out in this world to help each other, a bond built between girl and her loving companion, a robot who was never like the others; compassion, personified, and in need of someone to help him through a tough life.

Anyway. Here are some images of the kitchen. I lost this lighting setup, but would like to recreate something like it, and with the textures, hopefully give the look of a dimly lit, dusty place, the only illumination coming from the shaft of light down the stairs and a flickering ceiling bulb.

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Daily Sketches [4-4-13]

I am terrible at drawing humans, females more so than males, so I thought I'd start drawing some female bodies, in different poses, to get a better understanding. Here's a few sketches I've done so far.

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Daily Work [2-4-13]

I remade the trash compactor so that the front blade is long enough, and added a loading table to cover the blade/make it seem a tad less awkward. I started modeling various cans and texturing them, and also started work on a wagon for my robot to carry the cans he's collected.